Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ted Reflection

Evan Sale
Contemp Lit
Mr Davidson

When we first received the Ted Talk project I was very nervous about what was going to happen. The fact that we had to prepare a 8 minute  talk about something that we believe in. It got me nervous because I really had no clue in what I believe in. When I finally found out what I want to write about it made the project much easier. I wanted to talk about something that I actually believed in not just something that would be easy to do research on. What I chose to write about was something that I truly believe in something that makes me, me.

What I knew when starting off my project was that I wanted to talk about someone that is very special to me. I wanted to talk about a person that I would like to model my life after. But I could not think of how I would incorporate it into a to a Ted Talk. That's when I knew that I wanted to talk about happiness.   

I selected this topic because it is something that I truly believe in. I wanted to get across the point that doesn't get crossed nearly as often as it should. I talked about how to become a happier person and make the world a happier place. I selected this topic overall because I believe. In order to make yourself happy the first step starts with yourself.  I believed in this topic because happiness is something that needs to talked about. I feel through the examples I used, I can shine the light on what it means to be truly happy.

A lot of the things I learned while doing research had to do with things that I already knew. Granted I wish I added more facts in my Ted talk. A lot of the stuff that I talked about I already knew. I used a lot of stuff on what creates happiness such as personal respect. Something that I believe a lot in, but while doing research I gained a lot of knowledge about personal respect in a deeper sense.  

While presenting I really enjoyed look on peoples faces as I presented. I feel that as the speech went on I was more confident and I gained the audience's respect and attention. I feel through my talk I informed people on what it takes to be happy. I also inspired people to be their own person and live the way that they want.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Please Ignore Vera Dietz Book Review
Overall the novel Please Ignore Vera Dietz was pretty good. The story is interesting how it is set up following a high school girl through her daily trials, and even more complicated high school drama. Vera gets caught up in the middle of a strange situation, where her best friend Charlie ends up dead. The story follows vera in flashback and present day as she deals with the strange things that follow the death of her dear friend Charlie.
One thing that I really liked about the book was how the storyline followed Vera through her life. She lives a life very similar to a highschooler partially because she is one. She goes to class.  Works part time job. And occasionally she deals with inner demons that all highschoolers face. I think it is very cool that the author told the story through a highschooler's point of view so that the audience can connect.  She deals with problems like drugs and alcohol as well with problems with her parents. Vera says “It seems the older people get, the more shit they ignore. Or, like Dad, they pay attention to stuff that distracts them from the more important things that they’re ignoring.”  Vera is explaining her problems with her dad. She is explaining how she thinks that he does not listen to her or understand her. Which personally I enjoy because a lot of high schoolers feel that their parents do not listen to them, or further don't care what they have to say.  The way Vera tells the story is very cool because she is the age of most high schoolers so it is very good and relatable.

Another thing I really liked about the novel was the interesting story on how Charlie got to where he was.  I enjoyed how it started  small and move its way up to something larger.  The story behind this was very interesting in the author did a great job writing it.  Charlie  has had a tough upbringing by having a strange home life. He has had a rough time growing up, which leads to him doing some questionable things. He starts off small by selling his underpants to a perv to get cigs  and eventually moves up to hanging out with the wrong crowd and doing drugs with this guy which is very strange.  Vera talks about Charlie always being a tough guy to handle and to be friends with.  She explains that being friends with Charlie has had its ups and downs before they fell out. The fallout started when Charlie started hanging out with the wrong crowd and that is when him and Vera eventually had  a fallout. Vera says, “Until last year, when the shitstorm began, I sat with Charlie in the back booth on the east side of the cafeteria. Sometimes we let other outcasts squeeze in with us, but for the most part we ate alone, just the two of us.”(4.8.20). The two used to be the best of friends, but as soon as he got mixed in with the wrong people things started happening between the two.  The story of how Charlie got down the wrong path was very interesting to me. It was one of the things in the book I really thought was interesting to find out about.
Last thing that I really liked about the story was how much Vera loved Charlie. Granted that he was not very nice to her and vice versa. Despite all the things that they went through Vera always loved Charlie till he died and even after. It was interesting that Vera felt this way, because a little bit before he died they weren't that close, right before he died she even denied helping him. Charlie says “But I thought you were my friend," he said, his voice quivering.
I thought about May Day, when he hit me. "I was your friend, Charlie. But I'm not anymore." (5.2.25-26) . Vera turned him down because she loved him and cared about him even if they were not that close. Vera cared about the best for Charlie, which being friends is all about. Vera loves Charlie and proved it through all the good and bad times in their relationship. I liked how nice Vera was and it was refreshing to see a true friendship story in this book.
Overall I thought that this book was very good. The overall message in this book is great and I would really recommend it for any high schooler. The novel has themes that every high schooler in life goes through,  good and bad. The good and bad make life, so this book teaches good life lessons which is why I liked and would recommend it.