Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ted Reflection

Evan Sale
Contemp Lit
Mr Davidson

When we first received the Ted Talk project I was very nervous about what was going to happen. The fact that we had to prepare a 8 minute  talk about something that we believe in. It got me nervous because I really had no clue in what I believe in. When I finally found out what I want to write about it made the project much easier. I wanted to talk about something that I actually believed in not just something that would be easy to do research on. What I chose to write about was something that I truly believe in something that makes me, me.

What I knew when starting off my project was that I wanted to talk about someone that is very special to me. I wanted to talk about a person that I would like to model my life after. But I could not think of how I would incorporate it into a to a Ted Talk. That's when I knew that I wanted to talk about happiness.   

I selected this topic because it is something that I truly believe in. I wanted to get across the point that doesn't get crossed nearly as often as it should. I talked about how to become a happier person and make the world a happier place. I selected this topic overall because I believe. In order to make yourself happy the first step starts with yourself.  I believed in this topic because happiness is something that needs to talked about. I feel through the examples I used, I can shine the light on what it means to be truly happy.

A lot of the things I learned while doing research had to do with things that I already knew. Granted I wish I added more facts in my Ted talk. A lot of the stuff that I talked about I already knew. I used a lot of stuff on what creates happiness such as personal respect. Something that I believe a lot in, but while doing research I gained a lot of knowledge about personal respect in a deeper sense.  

While presenting I really enjoyed look on peoples faces as I presented. I feel that as the speech went on I was more confident and I gained the audience's respect and attention. I feel through my talk I informed people on what it takes to be happy. I also inspired people to be their own person and live the way that they want.

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